A relation between two datasets is called Reference. Based on the settings of the customized UI, you can reference datasets from one or multiple specific Content Types.
A Content Type is like a table in Contentstack, coming with a customized edit form.
With the edit form of. a Content Type, you can create or edit an Entry, which is a dataset.
An Asset in Contentstack is a file you upload to Contentstack, like images, PDFs etc.
Please find more terms the Glossary.
Please refer to the Contentstack User Manual for more detailed information about Contentstack.
In Contentstack, a reference is a relation from one entry (dataset) to another in Contentstack. Even if two entries are referenced, both are independent in regards to editing, versioning etc.
Example: A simple webpage needs at least an entry of the type “Web Page” and one of the type “Content Block”.Please also see check the descriptions in the Glossary.
If you reference an entry in another entry, the referenced entry itself stays independent. This means, all options can and must be used independently.