All content of the website will be stored and maintained in a Headless Content Management System (HCMS), in our case in Contentstack.
A HCMS allows to define data structures and relations between datasets without any coding efforts. HCMS provide interfaces for creating, editing and maintaining datasets as well ass assets (files) and managing different permissions of the HCMS. Different to a classical CMS, like e.g. WordPress, a HCMS aims at flexibly adaptable to many different purposes and even quite complex processes.
With the advantages, a few issues come: HCMS interfaces are not explicitly optimized to a defined specific processes. Sometimes you have to add a few clicks more. Basically, if you once unders
With Contentstack comes a complete customizable user interface to allow to maintain content without any coding skills. Nevertheless, it helps to understand the key terms used in Contentstack and what relational data management means.
A relation between two datasets is called Reference. Based on the settings of the customized UI, you can reference datasets from one or multiple specific Content Types.
A Content Type is like a table in Contentstack, coming with a customized edit form.
With the edit form of. a Content Type, you can create or edit an Entry, which is a dataset.
An Asset in Contentstack is a file you you upload to Contentstack, like images, PDFs etc.