Info |
Even if you choose no category at all, your documents can be found in the Search. However, correct categories push your documents in the search results. Also, in the Advanced Search, your document can will only appear in a the filtered result list if you have chosen the correct categories.! |
To upload a document, select the Content Type “Documents” and create a new Entry.
The “Content Category” (formerly known as “Document Type”, like e.g. “Manual”, “Leaflet”, “CAD File” etc.) in the “Document Categorization” block is required. Choose the best fitting entry from the list.
If you miss a category in here, please contact the central website managers. They can give you advice and probably add a category.
Choosing categories in the “Cross-Content Categorization” is optional, but strongly recommendablerecommended.
But please consider: focus on the main topics and only choose “Related Products and Product Categories”, “Industries” and “Additional Document Categories”, if they are relevant in the document.
💡 If you are not sure about a category, think about the search results. Does it really make sense to find the document if the user filters the category in question.?
3rd Step: Upload the document and provide information about the file
The boost should be used for, e.g. promotional purposes, and should be set for a pre-defined period of time only. It can be unchecked at any time.
Info |
Do not use “Boost in search results” too often! If everything is boosted, there will be no added value! Observe your “Boost” carefully in order not to forget to uncheck the box, if no longer needed! |
If you have a newer version of a document, just open the Entry you created and change the file as well as the version information like in as described n the 3rd step in the section above.
If you have there is a version in another language of the same document, click the plus (“+”) icon at the right of the “Version” block (compare the 3rd step) and provide the new file and the requested information. In the search results the user will have the option to select from a list the language version of the document.
Note |
Even if Contentstack provides an option to directly upload files to the Assets library, please do not, but follow the steps described above. |
in “3. How to upload new documents”. |
Uploading documents in the Asset Library, increases the risk of not providing required information, like e.g. the copyright data. Furthermore, you cannot include assets (images and videos) into a web page until the image or video is embedded into an Entry of the Content Types “Image” or “Video”!