Child pages (Children Display) |
Note |
Please note that the Design Relaunch project is still work in progress. You may see modules in the old design every now and then. |
Note |
For your local preparations of the Design Relaunch, please start with your most important Landing pages, i.e.
This work in progress is required to meet the DMC FA Website guzuiodeines by MArch 2025. For that reason, you will step by step find new modules or receive information about updated modules and features. every now an then. |
Local Service and Support pages will appear in the new design automatically and may require less updates.
Old Design/Features
New Design/Features
Headline 1 (H1)
Main Teaser (which includes H1) + Changes in Contentstack Handling
Text/Image/Link Module
Changes in Contentstack layout
Anchor Link List (can be used in Landing Pages with a lot of content)