2.2.5: Calendar Builder

User Manual For Website Editors and Administrators

2.2.5: Calendar Builder

From January 2025, the Calendar Builder will be used for Events in the News Center area only.

“Training calendars” will be maintained in the C4C workcenter and automatically implemented into the web page /fa/support/training. The new training center will allow booking from the website.


1. Understanding the calendar module

You have the opportunity to create and use calendars for any purpose across the website. To use the calendar builder properly, it’s important to understand and to follow the structure of the calendar module.

Creating and using Calendars, is an advanced feature. Especially, if you’re not yet familiar with using Contentstack, we recommend to concentrate on the prepared calendars in Support → Training and News Center → Events.

To avoid confusion in the administration, we strongly recommend to segment your work into these basic steps:

  1. Create the calendar and some appointment filter which belongs to the calendar (1.1. and 1.2.)

  2. Include the calendar into a web page (2.)

  3. Create appointments and reference them to appointment filter (1.3.)

1st Step: Create a calendar

If you want to have a Training, an Event Calendar or any other Calendar on your website, you have to start with the Calendar itself.

You can later create a Web Page (type: “calendar”) and embed the calendar.

To embed a calendar you create or open the Web Page Entry in Contentstack, set the page type to “calendar” and select the calendar below the page type selection.

If you want to create some content above and/or below the calendar, create in the Web Page a Content Block and add the “Dynamic Placeholder” module to the Content Block Entry at the desired position.

Use the Calendar Definition Content Type to create a calendar.

2nd Step: Add filter options to the calendar

Create an Entry in the Appointment Filter Content Type for each filter option you need, e.g. for each training and reference it to your calendar you created in the 1st step.

Add more Appointment Filter Entries at any time you need, e.g. if you introduce a new training.

3rd Step: Create items in the calendar

For each appointment, e.g. each training date, create an Entry in the Appointment Content Type and reference the appointment to a filter option (Appointment Filter) you created before.

1.1. Calendar Definition

First of all you must create the calendar “container”. In this, you define the calendar’s internal name and decide which filter options the website users should have in this calendar. To include a filter option, just check the respective dimension:


Filter options in the website


  • The Appointment Filter is mandatory if you want to include appointments in the calendar. It contains some information about appointments which normally are needed repeatedly.
    Example: If you want to create a training calendar, you will a have a certain number of training courses with a description, prerequisites, target groups etc. Add this information to the Appointment Filter.

  • The Appointment Location is optional to be used.
    Example: If you offer training courses, these courses will most probably take place in one of a number of trainings center. Use this location content type to edit the training centers in one place for all occurancies.

  • Appointment Date from / to adds a selection of month and year to define a period in which appointments should be displayed

1.2. Appointment Filter

  • Filter Title | The Filter Title will be used in the list and in the detail view as headline.
    In the screenshots below is the defined Filter Title “Appointment Series Title”.

  • Belongs to calendar | Please select the calendar you defined beforehand.

  • Add an image | This image will be used in the calendar list on the right side

  • Internal Description | Add internal information about the filter if needed

1.3 Appointment

An appointment is the actual entry in which you define the details of a specific appointment and where you define to which appointment filter it belongs.

Steps to create an appointment


  • Internal Name | The Internal Name helps you to identify the appointment in the Contentstack list of entries.

  • Start date | Provide the start date and time of the appointment.
    If you do not want to add a specific start time, leave the time value to the default “00:00:00+0000”.

  • End date | Optionally, provide the end date and time of the appointment. If you leave the end date empty, the appointment appears as a one-day-appointment.
    If you do not want to add a specific end time, leave the time value to the default “00:00:00+0000”.

  • Display appointment start and end time | If you check this option the appointment appears with the defined start and end time. By default the option is unchecked to display appointments as all day events.

  • This appointment belongs to | Select the appointment filter you created beforehand.
    Example: If we’re talking about the training calendar (“[Locale] Training Calendar”), the filter is the training itself and an appointment the single course of this training to which can be applied.

  • Short Description | This description will appear in the appointment list. This is mostly needed to specify some specials about the specific appointment.
    Example: A specific training event will take place during the weekend and therefore, in the evening of the first day a Get Together is planned. Use the short description for mentioning this.

  • Location - Where does the appointment take place? | Select the location where the appointment takes place. If none is defined, e.g. because it’s a virtual event, just leave this field empty.

  • Appointment Title URL | Use this option if you explicitly want to add a link to the appointment title in the list view.
    Example: If you want to create an appointment for a trade fair, you can use the appointment title URL to link to the trade fair homepage.

  • Appointment Description | In here, you can reference to a Content Block with a comprehensive description, images and e.g. an application form. For more information about how to create Content Blocks, please refer to the chapter Work with Content Blocks in Organize Content in Contentstack.

The last two optional fields are internal administrational information only which might help you to manage your appointments in Contentstack, e.g. to sort the list view of the Appointments if you have to manage many appointments.

  • Status | Optionally, select an appropriate status from the list:

  • Appointment Capacity | Optionally, add the remaining number of participants.

2. Include a calendar into a webpage

Once you have created a calendar (steps 1.1 and 1.2 above), you can create a new webpage or open an existing one to include the calendar into the web page.

  1. Create a new web page entry or open the web page entry you want to edit.

  2. Add a H1 headline and, if needed, manipulate the URL. More details how to do this you can find in Create a web page in Organize Content in Contentstack.

  3. Select from the list “What kind of webpage you want to create?” the option calendar.

  4. Scroll down to Calendar Configuration and select the calendar you created beforehand

2.1 Advanced: Arrange content above or below the calendar

To arrange content above or below a calendar, you have to reference a content block to the web page.

For more information about how to create Content Blocks, please refer to the chapter Work with Content Blocks in Organize Content in Contentstack.

2.2 Advanced: Arrange content above or below the appointment detail view

Scroll down to the Dynamic Detail View setting and create or select a content block. Please follow the steps described above in 2.1.