2.2.5: Press Release Upload

User Manual For Website Editors and Administrators

2.2.5: Press Release Upload

Fast Lane

  1. In Contentstack, go to the Content Type “Document” and create an Entry for the Press Release PDF

  2. In Contentstack, go to the Content Type “Image” and create Entries for each Press Image you want to add to the press release (optional)

  3. In Contentstack, go to the Content Type “Press Release Upload” (Content → 1: Create a Web Page → Press Release Upload)

  4. In the Content Type list, click “+ New Entry” (green button in the top right corner)

  5. Add the information

    1. Title of the press release

    2. Teaser Text (optional)

    3. Categorize in Cross-Content Categorization (optional) → The categorization has significant impact on the visibility in the search results.

    4. Add the Publication Date

    5. Add the press release PDF Document you created beforehand (see 1.) → “Choose existing entry”

    6. Add the press images to PR Images you created beforehand (optional, see 2.) → Choose existing entry”

  6. Edit the Search Settings (optional)

Upload the Press Release PDF

In 2.1.6: Document Uploads (central and local) you will find a detailed manual for document uploads.

Please take care:

  • The appropriate Content Categorization is “Press Release”

  • Even if you edit the Cross-Content Categorization in the Press Release Entry, it’s recommended to consider it in the upload

Upload Press Images (deprecated)

In Image and Video UploadsUNDEFINED you will find a detailed manual for image uploads.

Please take care:

  • Set the Visibility to “MyMitsubishi users with specific roles”

  • In the selection that will open below, select “Journalist