If you have a version in another language of the same document, click the plus (“+”) icon at the right of the “Version” block (compare the 3rd step) and provide the new file and the requested information. In the search results the user will have the option to select from a list the language version of the document.
Understanding the Contentstack Asset Library
If you upload an image, a video or any document to Contentstack, this upload will be stored in the Assets library in Contentstack.
The Assets library behaves a bit like a file explorer. You can add folders to organize the assets and there are a few options to add e.g. a description directly to the uploaded asset. We ignore these options to provide information about the uploaded assets.
Even if Contentstack provides an option to directly upload files to the Assets library, please do not, but follow the steps described above.
Going this way, always causes the risk of forgetting a step and so, to lose required information, like e.g. the copyright data. Furthermore, you cannot include assets (images and videos) into a web page until the image or video is embedded into an Entry of the Content Types “Image” or “Video”!
There are a few reasons to first upload the assets and to create the needed Entries in a second step. One reason may be, if a dedicated Central Admin needs to upload several assets (mainly documents) in one go.
Where am I?
When you work with Assets, you’re touching two different sections of Contentstack. Please take care that you always are aware in which section you are!
Content Types
Check the menu with the red background. The active section is highlighted. Below the breadcrumb starts with “Content Types”.
The breadcrumb start with “Assets”.
In the detail view of an asset, the form always looks the same.