User Manual For Website Editors and Administrators
Organize Content in Contentstack
- 1 1. Create a Web Page
- 1.1 1: Main Teaser and Main Teaser Headline
- 1.2 2: URL
- 1.3 3: Web page teasers
- 1.4 4: Cross-Content Categorization
- 1.5 5: Page Type
- 1.6 6: Content Blocks
- 1.7 7: Show SEO Settings (optional)
- 1.8 8: Navigation Settings (optional)
- 1.8.1 8.1: Mega dropdown menu
- 1.9 9: Service Links in Floating Sidebar
- 1.10 10: HOME page - Special feature “Spotlight”
- 2 2: Work with Content Blocks
- 2.1 2.1: Static Content Modules
- 2.1.1 2.1.1: Headline
- 2.1.2 2.1.2: Text/Image/Links
- 2.1.3 2.1.3: Table (small update in process)
- 2.1.4 2.1.4: [DEPRECATED] Video
- 2.1.5 2.1.5: Video Teaser
- 2.1.6 2.1.6: Documents
- 2.1.7 2.1.7: Contact
- 2.1.8 2.1.8: CTA
- 2.1.9 2.1.9: Interactive document
- 2.1.10 2.1.10: Horizontal card
- 2.2 2.2: Form Modules
- 2.2.1 2.2.1: Form
- 2.2.2 2.2.2: Newsletter Widget
- 2.3 2.3: Modules to Structure Content
- 2.3.1 2.3.1: Anchor Link List
- 2.3.2 2.3.2: Tab Set
- 2.3.3 2.3.3: Collapsible
- 2.4 2.4: Teaser Modules
- 2.4.1 2.4.1: Image Slider
- 2.5 2.5: Dynamic Content Modules
- 2.1 2.1: Static Content Modules
Content Block | A content block is a specific content type in Contentstack. In a content block, you can edit pieces of content and adjust styling settings. Those content blocks you can reference e.g. to a webpage to display the content in there.
Content Module | Within a Content Block, there are many options to create and arrange content, e.g. in a table, a combination of text and images etc. These options are provided in a list of Content Modules, from which you can choose.
Content Type | A content type is a predefined structure for a dataset in Contentstack. In the Contentstack interface, each content type has a related form to create datasets (entries) following the predefined structure. E.g. a Content Block is a specific Content Type.
Entry | An entry in Contentstack is a dataset following a specific structure, which is defined in the respective content type.
A comprehensive list of terms you find in the Glossary of important terms
All screenshots on this page have been taken from a test webpage called “Contentstack Guide”
Webpage Link:
Contentstack Link: Contentstack
Please do not change anything in that page.
Please do not publish the page to PROD!
Contentstack has also updated its dashboard and internal search. Please find more detailed here Contentstack Layout - Tips and Tricks | Contentstack Views and Filters .
1. Create a Web Page
Numbered headlines with columns ( : ) refer to the numbers in the chart above.
The following video provides a step-by-step instruction of how to create a Landing page.
When you create a Landing page, please never forget to add /lp/ to the URL.
For the second video click here or scroll down to “2. How to Work with Content blocks”.
1: Main Teaser and Main Teaser Headline
The main teaser is the eye-catcher of each webpage. It showcases the headline of the page under a new red and grey design element. In Contentstack, adding the H1 main teaser headline is the first step in creating a webpage, depending on which the URL will be generated.
In Contentstack, you will also find different “tiers” which indicate the levels within each local website:
Home → not adjustable, pre-defined by DMC.
1st tier - all header items, e.g. Solutions, Products,….. Support….About us, Inquiries
Not adjustable, pre-defined by DMC and handled by Central Content Management
2nd tier - all second level pages, such as Solutions - Automotive
Two different approaches a) web pages b) Landing Pages
3rd tier - all levels below
For more details, refer to Main teaser in “New and updated modules/components for the New Design” for information regarding the creation of main teasers for different levels. Refer to Image Sizes for Main Teaser content, to understand the different image sizes required for foreground and background images in different tiers.
2: URL
When you create a new web page, the URL will be automatically generated, based on the H1 headline, you set. Each web page will have a visible URL. Its ending has to be a unique identifier which allows to open a specific web page without using the navigation. Especially for landing pages, this is important.
Please always validate the URL before the web page will be published! Once the web page is live, the page might be indexed with the URL. Later updates can lead to broken links in the search results of search engines as well as “dead ends” if the URL has been shared, e.g. in an email.
The URL field allows you to edit the visible last part of the URL of a web page. To do so, click the pencil icon at the right.
Please take care to always start with a leading slash (“/”).
Take care of special characters
If you use special characters in the H1, like e.g. the German Umlaute, always edit the automatically provided URL.
Safeguard proper SEO
If you create a web page which should be linked in the main navigation and become part of a section, e.g. “Support”, please take care to reflect the navigation structure in the URL field, e.g. “/support/training”.
If you create a page tree from the main navigation, you need to set all super-ordinated (parent) pages by hand in the URL field. E.g. for a page with training locations it would be “/support/training/locations”.
In both cases, you have to adapt the URL manually because Contentstack will not automatically include any leading page structure into the URL.
URL and navigation
The page’s position in the navigation depends on where the page has been added as sub-ordinated page (see no. 6: of this manual). This setting also determines the breadcrumbs.
The URL determines Google’s interpretation of where a page belongs to. So, a page (e.g. the “Return” page within “Support”) must have a respective part in the URL to make Google sort the page to the branch of the page tree.
Keep URL and navigation consistent. If the visible page URL and the page’s position in the page tree are not consistent, it will harm SEO.
Example: “Return”, a sub-page of “Support”
/return → Google will not determine the page as sub-page of “Support”
/support/return → Google will recognize that “Return” belongs to “Support”
Landing pages
Creating a landing page works in exactly the same way like pages of the page tree. However, the URL allows to optimize the URL for marketing purposes.
Please always use “/lp/” to indicate a landing page!
Try to keep it short → the complete URL (e.g. “ should have maximum 50 characters to ensure proper display in the search results in Google
Use keywords and avoid special terms as well as abbreviations
Sharing a landing page URL
Always share the complete URL with “https://” at the beginning
Take care to add the correct sub-domain of your market, e.g. “”
Do not forget the “fa” folder → only URLs that have “/fa” directly behind the domain, can be resolved by the application
Add the URL part that you defined in Contentstack
An indication of the language can be omitted. In this case, the application will point to your local default language (e.g. German for “”)
Example: You create a landingpage “Frühjahrsmesse” in the German website. The automatically created URL will be “/fr-hjahrsmesse”
Create a Web Page “Frühjahrsmesse” in the Germany - German language version
Change the URL to “/lp/fruehjahrsmesse”
Share “”
If you maintain also an English version of your local website, do not forget to create also a translated version of your landingpage in English. Otherwise, users will be led to a dead end if they switches the language.
In the entry of the Web Page, switch to Germany - English and translate the page
Share the page like described in 3.
You can also directly share the English version by adding the language to the URL “”)
3: Web page teasers
Each web page offers the option to add either an “Overview Teaser” or a “Catchphrase Teaser”. Style and purpose of both have been defined by MELCO DMC. For that reason, they can be created by Central Content Managers only.
You can localize them at any time.
4: Cross-Content Categorization
Like any other element in Contentstack, the Web page must also be categorized.
If you miss the categorization,
the Web page will not be found in the Advanced Search.
Relevance sorted documents for that web page will not be available from the Downlaods in the Sidebar (See Organize Content in Contentstack | 7: Service Links in Floating Sidebar )
There are other elements which require a properly categorized web page, such as Out Stories.
Contact the central DM team if you require an additional category.
5: Page Type
Whatever type of page you want to create, you always start with the Web Page. Most of the pages consist of static content which you create and manage. These kind of pages are “static” (set as default).
If you want to create a page with a calendar, e.g. for trainings, or with a list of news, i.e. press releases, please set the respective page type.
The usage of the page types “calendar” and “news” we describe in another section of this manual.
6: Content Blocks
You need at least one content block in a static page. In this content block you manage the main content area (the green part of chart 1).
How to use the content blocks we describe in part II. of this manual.
Please keep in mind that a content block is an independent dataset which can be used in multiple pages! This means that if you change a content block, you might also impact the content of another page. So, please be careful!
In Contentstack, when you open the detail view of an entry where you can edit the content, you find on the right side “Entry Information”. Here you can find in “Referenced in” if your changes will also apply to other pages.
7: Show SEO Settings (optional)
In the SEO settings you can set the META title and META description.
If you do not, the META title will be taken from the H1 Headline, and no description will be set explicitly. This is okay, because nowadays, search engines are able to extract META descriptions from the page crawling results. However, you can use this field to create a summary of the page content with about 150 characters which includes important keywords.
If you set these information, you should respect limitations in the search engine’s result display: for the title, you should use approx. 50 -56 characters, for the the description approx. 150 characters.
You can find a lot of tools across the internet which supports in creating good META information, e.g.
8: Navigation Settings (optional)
The navigation below the main teaser is set by default for all pages. For landing pages where this navigation is not required or appropriate, please uncheck the “Show Navigation” box.
Additionally, you can define if the web page you’re creating has sub-ordinated pages in the page tree. If this is intended, please set “This page has sub-ordinated pages“ to true and select the web pages which should be sub-ordinated.
Take care to not endlessly use this feature. A page tree with too many levels appears messy and not user friendly! In general, three levels counted from the main navigation item should be enough.
8.1: Mega dropdown menu
The mega dropdown menu will be created automatically when you create web pages and sub pages. The first level ( a) ) is always indicated as a button.
Apart from the first level button, the mega dropdown design will offer the option for only one more direct click to a page, i.e. either b) the overview page or c) the sub pages directly.
If you choose b), you need to ensure that you add links or teasers onto the overview page to make the sub pages accessible. This would be the recommended approach.
9: Service Links in Floating Sidebar
The Floating Sidebar is a new design element that was introduced with the design relaunch. Just like with the Support/Service blocks in the old design which is replaced by the new Sidebar, it is also intended to be used for providing specific fast lane links to related webpages across the website.
In this Sidebar, which appears on the right side of any page, you will find the following icons set as default.
Contact: includes the “Contact us” as well as the (optional) “Technical support” forms.
Newsletter: includes the Newsletter Registration Form.
Service: includes the “Support” and “E-Shop” pages.
Downloads: clickable icon that leads you to the Downloads section in the “Advanced Search”.
You can update the links in the Service and Downloads icons for your dedicated purposes on Local Support and Landing Pages. When not updated, the default settings for the Sidebar will appear!
For details on how to customize the Sidebar menu, refer to 1.6: Right Navigation Link List in the User Manual.
10: HOME page - Special feature “Spotlight”
The HOME page is not editable by local admins. The only exception is the so-called Spotlight slider. In Contentstack, you maintain it in 1: Create a Webpage - Content option - Spotlight Slider Contentstack:
Add a new Instance
Give it proper Title. This title will be displayed below the image on the Home page.
Add a link to a landing page, web or product (category) page.
Use “url” only, if you want to add an external link !
You can add up to max 15 instances.
Take care to add min. 3 instances to “activate” the slider.
This is what you would see, if you added 2 instances only.Max. 5 instances will be shown in the Spotlight slider on the Home page.
All (15) instances will be shown in the new Spotlight page.
You can change the order by re-ordering the instances.
The first 5 instances will appear in the Spotlight slider.
All other instances will appear in the Spotlight page in the pre-defined order.
By doing so, you will maintain the Spotlight page (UAT example at the same time. No additional work for you to do.
Users will access the Spotlight page, when they click “Show all” in the Spotlight slider.
In the Spotlight page, the system will take over the categorization of the web page you link to.
If the linked web page has not been categorized, the Spotlight page does not show any category.
2: Work with Content Blocks
“Content Block” is such flexible and powerful, it can be used in many places for various purposes. This also leads to the fact that one Content Block can be nested into another Content Block. Please keep in mind to never nest an entry into itself.
You can give every Entry an internal name. Use this option for easily distinguishing Content Blocks in Contentstack.
A Content Block is a powerful module builder for almost all content purposes. All pages created in Contentstack contain at least one content block in which at the same time you define the styling of a piece of content. Content blocks correspond to the styling options in the frontend. If you create a web page with static content, you always have to create at least one content block, e.g. to edit and display body text and images.
The following video provides a step-by-step instruction of how to create a Content Block.
Go to “Create a Web Page” to see how to reference a content block in a landing page.
Example: you want to describe the support capabilities of a local company in an appealing manner on one page. You want to have an image at the top and two paragraphs below, each with a sub headline. At the bottom, you want to have a contact form. To achieve this, you create a content block, using from top to bottom the following modules.
Text/Image/Links to display the image at the top
Headline to display the first sub headline
Text/Image/Links to display the paragraph's body text
Headline to display the second sub headline
Text/Image/Links to display the paragraph's body text
Form to display the contact form. We strongly recommend to create the form beforehand in the Form Builder to avoid loosing the focus. (see 2.2.1. Contact form)
Just select the modules in the content block administration and provide the information in it. If you later decide to e.g. change the order of the paragraphs, you just have to drag and drop the modules in Contentstack into the correct order.
Before you can save the content block, you have to provide an internal name. This name will not be published in the website, but will help you to distinguish content blocks in Contentstack.
In a Content Block, you can combine many Content Modules and arrange their order to your needs.
If you have created a Content Block
Decide which Content Module you need and click the respective button with the purple. +
A form opens above the selection with all options you have
Fill in the content and adjust the settings
To keep the overview, click on the triangle button shown on the top right of each bar to close it. With another click it opens again.
After adding all Content Modules, you can drag and drop the bars to arrange the order using the “icon” on the left side of the bar.
If you want to remove Content modules, you can use the three dots found on the top right of the bar (near the triangle button) to delete any Content module.
2.1: Static Content Modules
2.1.1: Headline
You can define the headline text and set it to h2 (default) or h3. The styling of the headline will adapt respectively.
Each web page should have only one h1 headline. This h1 headline you define in the Web Page (see above).
Advanced option: Use the “Anchor” to the headline to define a point of interest within a website content to which you like to explicitly point a user. Type any test string into the anchor name field. Do not use special characters and replace spaces e.g. with an underscore (“_”).
An anchor allows to point to a specific point within the website content. To do so, the anchor name must be added to the URL with a “#” before the anchor name. Anchors are mostly used in emails to point to one specific paragraph in a web page. This is especially useful if the paragraph is at the bottom of the page to avoid forcing users to scroll and search.
In an email you want to point to a paragraph in a long webpage, e.g. In this page, you want to point to “Advanced Safety System” which is in the lower part of the page.
In Contentstack, you define the anchor name. E.g. “advanced_safety” → Do not include spaces, a hash at the beginning or any special characters!
In the email, you add the URL with the anchor name as suffix, starting with a leading hash:
2.1.2: Text/Image/Links
Use this module to either add a body text, an image, a list of links or a combination of the three. It is recommended to always have a short text.
The uploading of images is managed in a separate Content Type. You can select from already uploaded images by clicking “Choose an existing entry” or “Create a new entry”. For more information, please check the manual → 2.1.2: Image Upload
If you just want to add images, texts and link lists one among each other, you should add one module after each other, i.e. using “Text/Image/Links” several times. This makes it easier to maintain your content.
But if you want to arrange an image and a text or link list one next to each other, provide the content in one module and set image size and position respectively.
Additionally, you now also have the option of adding an image headline and an image sub-header which can provide a short quick heading or description for your images.
Add an Image (optional)
If you add an image you have different options:
Allow image zoom: For example, use for graphics and illustrations in order to avoid to have to put them in full-size.
Use zoom with care in order to create a benefit for the website visitor or to put a focus on one specific image. Try to avoid using the zoom, if there is no clear benefit for the website visitor.
Don't zoom images with a poor quality - the quality would still be poor.Display the image with a border: Try to have a consistency within your page
If images have a border, this border may look different than the one you would choose here. Please avoid having different styles.Image Width: Thanks to the zoom function, you can choose a small width, but still put a focus on it.
Image left or right: When you add an image along with a text, you can choose whether to show the image on the left or the image on the right side of the text.
Image Headline H3 (optional): You can now add a H3 headline for your image, which will be shown on the left or right, depending on the above selection.
Image Subheader (optional): Additionally, you can also add a subheader that will appear just below the image headline.
Image link: You can link to any web or product page to the image. Users will just need to click on the image to access the link. Try to avoid to link users away from our website.
Examples: (1) You want to put an image at the top and text below. → Add one module of “Text/Image/Links” to set the image and one more module of “Text/Image/Links” to add the text below. (2) You want to put an image to the left and add text next to it. → Add one module of “Text/Image/Links” set the image, change the image width e.g. to “one-half” and the horizontal position to “left”, and add the text in the same module.
Add a list of links (optional)
If you create a list of links, you have to add some information for each link separately.
Link text (Anchor Text): This is the text that will be visible to the users on the website.
Icon: Choose the arrow-right icon which will be in front of the text.
Links: You can link to a web page within the website, a product/product category or to an external URL.
Link within the website: Even if it is possible to click “Create a new entry” here, we recommend not to choose this option. This is because, creating a new web page would require multiple steps, and doing so can make you lose focus on the task at hand. To avoid this, link to existing web pages by only clicking “Choose an existing entry”.
External link: If it is an external link, ensure that you choose the “Always open in new tab” to make sure the users don’t navigate away from the website.
To add multiple links, click on the plus icon on the top right of an instance to add multiple instances.
2.1.3: Table (small update in process)
With this module, you can create tables. Initially, you find a table with 5 rows and 2 columns.
To add a row, click the plus icon at the right of the row
To remove a row, click the trash bin at the right of the row
More options can be found in the context menu that opens with a right click on your mouse
You can also configure the cell background color.
Example: Context menu (open with right mouse click)
Add or delete columns
Change the cell content style to bold font, italic or underline
Change the background color of the cell
Style the first column as header column → This option is only visible if you do the right click in the first column
Style the first row as header row → This option is only visible if you do the right click in the first row
The selected option is marked with a dot at the right side in the context menu
2.1.4: [DEPRECATED] Video
The option to embed a video has been added to the Video Teaser feature. Please see Video Teaser creation.
2.1.5: Video Teaser
The Video Teaser feature allows you to create captivating sneak peeks of videos that intrigue your users. By creating separate Video Teaser Groups, you can easily reuse these teasers across various sections of your website.
Check Video Teaser creation to learn how to create and customize them.
2.1.6: Documents
You have the option to link a document in the content for download which you uploaded to Contentstack before.
To do, just add the module and select one or multiple documents.
Click here to see, how you can do
2.1.7: Contact
If you want to display one or multiple Contacts which are in Contentstack, add this module and select the desired Contacts.
Especially if you want to display multiple Contacts, it might be desired to display them with two contacts in a line. In this case, set the width to “one-half”.
For more detailed information:
2.1.8: CTA
The Call-To-Action button (CTA) allows to bring a link into the user focus. This is normally used to trigger filling a lead form. CTAs help to optimize conversions.
You can add CTAs to your content. To do so, you have to provide the CTA label (the visible text in the button) and the linked URL. Also, you can adjust the button size, set it to full width, the background color and add the icon open in a new window.
2.1.9: Interactive document
You have an option to add a link to an interactive document which has been previously uploaded on Contentstack.
To add an interactive document:
Click on the Interactive Document module button in Contentstack (content block) and add a group entry.
Internal Name: Add an internal name for the entry.
Display Size: Choose a display size. For the New Design, only use the “One-Third” size.
Reference: Choose an existing entry you want to add on the webpage.
To add a new instance, click on the plus icon on the top right of the module.
2.1.10: Horizontal card
The horizontal card can be used to promote or highlight a Blog article or central document. It is available
as full-size and half-size version.
You can add this element to any content block, and more than one time. However, we recommend using it with care to highlight specific documents only.
Using it with care also helps to better structure a web page. At the same time, it avoids an overload of promotional images.
Create a Horizontal card before you add it to a content block. See How to create a .
2.2: Form Modules
2.2.1: Form
You can flexibly design contact and other application forms for all your purposes (e.g. for training courses or events). To set up a new form, you have to follow some steps to define all settings. Once this is done, you can easily select from a list to include a form into the web page.
You could do this directly here, but we strongly recommend to first create a form and completely define the details. Once this is completed, the defined form can be easily included into a content block or an appointment detail, by clicking “Choose an existing entry”.
Example: If you want to have a short contact form to allow website users to easily contact you and you want the form to look always the same, you can create the form once and use it in as many places as needed.
To create a new contact form, please see Form builder (Contact forms).
2.2.2: Newsletter Widget
Please observe the changes related the new “Manage Newsletter Subscription page” settings.
For the details please see the new update User manual “Newsletter Widget and Manage Subscriptions page”.
You can embed a button to open a newsletter subscription form somewhere in the content block and edit the label of the button.
This would be independent from the General Newsletter Subscription button available in all web pages by default (from “Newsletter” in Inquiries in the right navigation).
For individual newsletter registrations, e.g. from a landing page, you have to select to which newsletter subscription widget you want to relate to in a content block.
In the settings of the subscription widget, you will define the specific newsletter which the user would subscribe to.
This contact list needs be created in MailJet beforehand plus the Newsletter needs to be created in Contentstack (by Support) and localized by you
For details please see Newsletter Widget and Manage Subscriptions page.
To add a Newsletter Widget into a Content Block, please follow these Steps and Reference a Newsletter Subscription Widget into your content block.
2.3: Modules to Structure Content
2.3.1: Anchor Link List
This new feature offers the option to provide the content of the page at the top of the page. This may be required, if you have a long page with various headlines.
Local admins may use his module only
For Landing pages
One time per page
At the top of the page
Do not use the Anchor Link List for any local pages in Service or Support!
In Contentstack, the Anchor Link List module is accessible from 1: Create a Webpage - Content Options - Content Block. It works only together with the Headline module.
Add “Anchor Link List” to the top of the content block.
Overwrite the Title with an appropriate name for your Landing Page.
Continue working in the content block.
Add Headlines for which you would like to set the links in the Anchor Link List.
Activate Show in Anchor Link List.
Choose minimum two headlines of the same level.
Take care to activate it for consistent headline level only. Do not mix different levels!
The result
Please note that Anchor (external) will not be used for the “Anchor Link List”.
This part would be used if you want to link form an external medium (e.g. email) to this headline directly as a dedicated point of interest. See “Headline” in the User manual.
2.3.2: Tab Set
Tab Sets can help you to structure content, especially if you want to add a lot to a page. Using Tab Sets allows you to structure equivalent content (different from sub-ordinated pages).
For example, if you want to describe details about the process to contact support, tabs can help to structure the content in a way that is easy for users to understand and follow.
2.3.3: Collapsible
If you want to add some details which are only relevant for some users or give additional information which is not important to see at the first glance at the page, a Collapsible might be a good option.
A collapsible won't work in a tab set. (See “Avoid endless nesting!” below)
Both modules work in the same way:
Add the module to your content block
Add as many Module Items as you need and set the title for each item.
Create a new content block or choose an existing to add content to a tab or a collapsible.
After choosing Tab Sets or Collapsible, you will follow the process of creating a Content Block again.
Avoid endless nesting!
If you add a content block to a Tab set or a Collapsible, don’t add another Tab set or Collapsible to that. It will not work, and is not very comfortable for website users, either. Less clicks are better.
This setting has been made to avoid nesting of content.
2.4: Teaser Modules
2.4.1: Image Slider
The Image Slider, is a combination of the former “Image List” and “Teaser Slider” modules. As with the Teaser Slider, you can arrange a combination of images and headlines horizontally. If you provide more than 4 images (or instances), arrows on either side of the slider allow you to scroll through the slides.
To embed an Image Slider:
Select the Image Slider module
In Slides you add a group entry to create a new Instance. In the Instance you will add images and links as follows.
Image: Choose an image according to the size mentioned (640px x 360px).
Link (optional):
Title: Add a suitable title for this Instance.
A title can be used without a link.
If you add a link, this title will overwrite the headline of the page you selected.
Page: Choose an existing entry to link an image (or an instance) to an existent web or product category page. This is recommended.
URL: Link to an external web page. This will open in a new tab.
By clicking on the plus icon in the top right of the Instance 1 tab to add more instances, you can repeat this process.
You should use the Image slider with minimum 4 instances to fill the full width. As soon as you will choose 5 instances, the slider options will become active.
2.5: Dynamic Content Modules
2.5.1: Product Teaser
The Product teaser module has been updated in order to meet the DMC FA Website guidelines, i.e. there will be no subpages listed in the frontend.
Its main use is supposed to be in Solutions pages as a so-called Product Line-up. (see e.g. which would normally be placed at the bottom of the page).
You can also embed Product teasers into your local Landing Pages.
To embed a Product teaser into your webpage:
Select the “Product Teaser” module in Contentstack.
Categories: Choose the Product Category or Sub-category that you would like to promote on your page. The links will therefore redirect the customer to the respective product pages on the website.
The categories “Collapsible type” and “Show Third Level Sub Categories” are Non-localizable fields, to be used for different purposes.
Please do not use Show Teaser Description for Product Line-up.
2.5.2: [A] Dynamic Placeholder
Only for Calendars and Forms
The Dynamic Placeholder allows to position a calendar or a news list in surrounding content. Please refer to the respective manuals for instructions. Since we pre-implemented calendar (Training and Events) and news (Press releases), these functions would be used in exceptional cases only.
For more information:
For more information on uploading press releases: