Glossary of important terms

User Manual For Website Editors and Administrators

Glossary of important terms

[ 1 A - D ] [ 2 E - H ] [ 3 I - L ] [ 4 M - Q ] [ 5 R - T ] [ 6 U - Z ]

A - D

Anchor | An anchor or page anchor is a link which allows to point to a specific part of the page. An anchor can be used as a URL suffix with a page URL to link to another URL and scroll directly to the point of interest. An anchor starts with a hash (“https://example.com#anchor”)

Asset | An asset in Contentstack is a file which is uploaded to Contentstack, like an image or a PDF. To use an asset in the website or to provide it for download.

Contentstack | This is the name of the tool, we are using as a headless CMS (HCMS).

Content Block | A content block is a specific content type in Contentstack. In a content block, you can edit pieces of content and adjust styling settings. Those content blocks you can reference e.g. to a webpage to display the content in there.

Content Module | Within a content block, there are many options to create and arrange content, e.g. in a table, a combination of text and images etc. These options are provided in a list of Content Modules, from which you can choose.

Content Type | A content type is a predefined structure for a dataset in Contentstack. In the Contentstack interface, each content type has a related form to create datasets (entries) following the predefined structure.

For example, “Web Page” and “Content Block” are “Content types.


Deprecated fields | A deprecated field is a field that should not be used any longer. To safeguard that no content get lost during updates in Contentstack, obsolete fields will not be deleted immediately, because they might contain required information. Instead, the field will be marked as deprecated.

E - H

Entry | An entry in Contentstack is a dataset following a specific structure, which is defined in the respective content type.

Fieldset | A fieldset is a combination of inputs, selects and probably displayed texts within a form. It can also contain nested fieldsets. Please use the manual to learn more about fieldsets.

I - L

Locale / Localized | Localization is the technical term for adapting e.g. a dataset to specific parameters, mostly the language. The localized versions are logically child elements of the main dataset. Editing the child element does not change the parent element.

M - Q

Mandatory (fields) | “Mandatory” is used if a website user must give this information before submitting a form. → See “Required” (different use)

MEFA (stack) | This is the name of the Stack in Contentstack in which the “real” website content can be maintained. The MEFA stack is connected to the UAT (test) environment and the production environment.

Modal | A modal is a kind of overlay in a website, mostly used to highlight a specific piece of content or interaction. A modal appears quite similar to a pop-up and replaces pop-ups in modern websites.

Module | see “Content Module”

non-localizable | Sometimes, you find in Contentstack fields with a batch “non-localizable”. This means that the respective setting will be done, when you create or edit the main entry. The localized (translated) versions will take over the setting and cannot be changed for a specific localization. This is a default setting in Contentstack which has no influence on your work in Contentstack.

Production | This is the environment in which the published website is located. The official sub domains link to this environment.

R - T

Reference | In Contentstack, a reference is a relation from one entry (dataset) to another in Contentstack. Even if two entries are referenced, both are independent in regards to editing, versioning etc.
Example: A simple webpage needs at least an entry of the type “Web Page” and one of the type “Content Block”. So both are “referenced” to each other.

→ To learn how to use and manage references, please check Understanding Contentstack.

Required (fields) | “Required” indicates a field that must be filled in Contentstack. If this field is empty, the content will not be published, but the field colour will change to red. → See “Mandatory” (different use)

Stack | A stack is a data schema in Contentstack that is maintained and filled with entries (data). Changes in one stack does not impact any data in another stack.

Sub-ordinated pages | Pages in the website, apart from landing pages, are organized hierarchically to each other to create a page tree. E.g. the “Support” page automatically is a super-ordinated (or parent) page to all pages you create below it. Those pages below are sub-ordinated (or child) pages to “Support”. Also, in some cases the parent page is named “root” of a page branch with multiple sub-ordinated pages.


Tags | Predefined setting in Contentstack for the internal search function in Contentstack.

U - Z

UAT | User Acceptance Test (UAT) environment. This environment acts as a copy of the published website in which new features can be tested before going live.