MyMitsubishi User Management

User Manual For Website Editors and Administrators

MyMitsubishi User Management

Where can you see the user information?

In Contentstack, you can find all user information in the section MyMitsubishi User Management.

  • MyMitsubishi Users → All user data of MyMitsubishi users

  • MyMitsubishi Delete User Account → Triggers the technical process to delete a specific user with all connections in Contentstack and the login database.
    Take care. Once the delete request is published, it cannot be rolled back

  • MyMitsubishi User Role Updates → Here you can approve Journalist applications and also trigger role updates to apply or revoke the ME User or Partner role via the backend.
    If you own the ME User role in MyMitsubishi, you can use the application form in your personal MyMitsubishi area instead

  • 3 Year Warranty Registrations → All registrations for 3YW.
    If you want to see the registrations for a specific user, it’s easier to search the user in MyMitsubishi Users and scroll to the list of 3YW registrations of this user

MyMitsubishi Users

In the detail view, you find all profile data of a respective user, 3YW registrations, the status of terms & conditions acceptance, software registrations (the user made in the past) as well as the portal the user is assigned to.

Most of the information are not editable for you, but will be updated by the user management system.

You can edit profile information like personal data. → If the user edits personal information in the MyMitsubishi / My Profile page, you will find the changes here.

Delete a MyMitsubishi user from the user management

Deleting a user from the user management allows you permanently and completely deleting all user related information.

Deleting a user happens compliant to data privacy.

  • Select the default language of your local portal (e.g. it_it, de_de, etc.)

  • Open “MyMitsubishi User Management” > “MyMitsubishi User Role Updates” and click “+ New Entry”

  • Provide an Internal Name

  • Reference the user to whom you want to grant or revoke a role in Which user should be deleted?.
    If you have issues to find the user, check the portal assignment of the user. Probably the user is linked to another portal than the one you are responsible for.

  • Publish the entry

The system will process the request. as long as the request is not successfully processed, you find the request in the role updates.

Check the status to learn if something went wrong:

  • Deletion pending: everything is alright. The process has not been completed

  • Error when deleting: something went wrong. Please try again or contact support

MyMitsubishi User Role Updates

There are two ways to update a user’s roles:

  1. Start and complete the MyMitsubishi user area

  2. Start and decide a role request via the CMS

How do I find the correct entry?

MyMitsubishi Users are stored in the portal locale (e.g. de_de, pl_pl, etc.) they are mapped to. In the default locale (en), you might fail to find that user.

To find the user Entry you need it’s much easier to use the MyMitsubishi User Role Updates

1. Role updates via the MyMitsubishi user area

To use this feature, you must be MyMitsubishi user and own the role ME User.

  • Login to MyMitsubishi

  • In “My Account” click “Invite/Revoke access for a user”

  • Complete the form


  • Submit the update

2. Role updates with the CMS

  • Select the default language of your local portal (e.g. it_it, de_de, etc.)

  • Open “MyMitsubishi User Management” > “MyMitsubishi User Role Updates” and click “+ New Entry”

  • Add an Internal Name which makes it easy to find and identify the request if needed (e.g. users.email@example.com - grant Partner role)

  • Decide the Role Action (“Grant” - to add a role OR “Revoke” - to remove a role)

  • Reference the user to whom you want to grant or revoke a role in Impacted MyMitsubishi User.
    If you have issues to find the user, check the portal assignment of the user. Probably the user is linked to another portal than the one you are responsible for.

  • For which role should the request be processed? Select in Role to grant or revoke

  • Publish the Entry → The request is now in the status “Pending Review” and can be decided.

  1. Decide role requests in the CMS

  • Open the role update request and check the status on the right-hand side:


    • Pending Review → request open, nothing is processed

    • Click “Change” to add your decision


    • With Approved and applied you confirm the request and the system will process the request when you publish your update

    • With Denied and archived you end the process without triggering any change in the user data

    • Any notification to a CMS user or a CMS user role should not be needed and can be ignored.

    • Click “Update

How can I? - Handling of common support inquiries

Password Reset

  1. Ask the client to use the “Reset Password” link in the login form. → The user needs the registration email address or username

  2. If the user does not remember email address and username: search the user in the “MyMitsubishi Users” section and check the email address with the user

Change Primary Email

At the moment, it is not possible for users and user administrators to change the primary email address.

  1. Check with the user if the account is already set up and in use. If this is the case, please create a support request with

    1. the wrong / outdated email address

    2. the desired new email address

  2. If there is no information in the account which are needed or if the registration is not yet completed: Agree with the user to do a new registration and delete the old account

Switch Portal

At the moment, it is not possible for users and user administrators to change the portal. Since options are already in the feature planning, please delay the portal switch.
The user can use the account without issues.