1.6: Right Navigation Link List

User Manual For Website Editors and Administrators

1.6: Right Navigation Link List


The Floating Sidebar is a new design element that was introduced with the design relaunch. Just like with the Support/Service blocks in the old design which is replaced by the new Sidebar, it is also intended to be used for providing specific fast lane links to related webpages across the website.

As mentioned in “Service Link in Floating Sidebar” you can update the links in the Service and Download icons for your dedicated purposes on Local Support and Landing Pages. When not updated the default settings for the Sidebar will appear!

To understanding the following explanations please refer to the:


1. Updating the Floating Sidebar

To customize the Floating Sidebar for your local support or landing page:

  1. In Contentstack, create a new entry, and select Right Navigation Link List.

Don’t forget to reference your entry to the page you are working on. change.

  1. Internal Name: Add an internal name for your entry.

When creating a landing page, make sure to add the page name of where you are embedding your landing page, as it would help you recognize which page your Sidebar belongs to. (For Example: Solutions | Digital Manufacturing | Service Link List).

Sidebar CS 1.png
Example: Creating a new entry for the Service Link in Floating Sidebar menu (refer to Contentstack Link shared above)
Sidebar CS2.png
Example: Adding an Internal Link in Contentstack, and how it looks on the website.
Sidebar CS3.png
Example: Adding an External Link in Contentstack, and how it looks on the website.
  1. Links: You can add all the links that you want to show in the Service and Downloads icons of the Sidebar. You can link Internal and External Pages.

    1. Internal

      1. Select “Internal” in Contentstack.

      2. Link Label: Add a name which will be displayed in the Sidebar. If not specified, the Page Title of the Webpage linked will be used.

      3. Webpage: Select group entry.

      4. Icon: Based on the table below, choose an appropriate Icon for the page you are linking.

    2. External

      1. Select “External” in Contentstack.

      2. Link (required): Add a title, and the URL you want to link to.

      3. Icon: Based on the table below, choose an appropriate Icon for the page you are linking.

      4. Open in new tab: When using external links, like e-Shop or References (YouTube), it is recommended to activate this button.

Important Points to Note: Internal and External links should always be linked to Mitsubishi Electric pages. Please try to use Internal Links only, unless referencing to the “Advanced Search”.

  • External Links → This includes pre-filled advanced search links.

When adding external links, make sure you correctly link to the respective pages. For example, if you want to add “Catalogues” related to “Food and Beverage”, take care that the URL correctly links the user to the catalogues in the Food and Beverage section of the advanced search.

  • Internal Links → links for existent internal webpages like Support, Regulations, etc.


2. Icons to be used

When adding icons to both Internal and External links, refer to the table below:

Link Type


Icon to be used

Link Type


Icon to be used

















References (YouTube)












Selection Tool






3 Year Warranty








In the above table, for pages where no icon is mentioned, please leave the icon blank. As these are hard coded, an icon that has been assigned will be automatically shown on the website.