2.2.2: Newsletter Widget and Manage Newsletter Subscriptions page

User Manual For Website Editors and Administrators

2.2.2: Newsletter Widget and Manage Newsletter Subscriptions page

Update: The process of creating a Newsletter Widget has been updated due to the use of Emarsys. You will find the updated changes below.


You can create Newsletter Subscription Widgets for any newsletter you want to promote.

1. Create a Newsletter Subscription Widget

Before you embed a widget into a content block, you will have to create it. The widget will be a CTA button following the FA website guidelines

  1. In Contentstack, select the Content Type “Newsletter Subscription Widget” (1: Create a Web Page → Content Options → Newsletter Subscription Widget).

  2. Click “+ New Entry” and edit the settings and texts for the subscription widget.

  3. Title (required): Add an appropriate title for the Newsletter.

Please follow the internal naming policy: WEB | Topic | local subaccount (For example: Web | Drives DE)

  1. Newsletter (required): Select the Newsletter “Existing entry” after it had been created by the Support team (see “Contentstack Configuration” ). You can open the widget in the page or as a modal. “Use modal” is activated as default.

  2. Modal CTA Title: Provide a “Modal CTA title” which is the CTA button text, which would also appear at the top of the modal.

  3. Modal CTA Subtitle: This would appear in the Modal only.

Example: The Modal CTA Title as seen on Contentstack is used the Newsletter CTA button title on the Website. The Modal CTA Subtitle is used in the pop up window which allows users to input information to sign up for the newsletters.
  1. Save and publish the Newsletter Subscription Widget.

  2. In Contentstack, go to the content block where you want to add the subscription widget and select “Newsletter Widget”.


2. Contentstack Configuration

In Contentstack, all general newsletters can be selected to be added in the Newsletter widget (See point 4, in “Create a Newsletter Subscription Widget”). If you would like to implement a Newsletter Widget for a Specific Newsletter, this is required to be created in Contentstack before.

A specific newsletter needs to be requested by creating a Support Ticket which has to include the following details:

Summary: Request for Specific Newsletter

In the Description please provide:

  • *Internal Name: Organizational Name for Contentstack

  • *Title: The title that will be displayed in the Manage Subscriptions Page.

  • *Description: A short description related to your newsletter.

Please provide “Title” and “Optional Description” in English as well as your Local Language.

  • This text will appear on the “Manage Newsletter Subscriptions” page on the website

  • *Emarsys Newsletter ID: Refer to “How to get the Emarsys Newsletter ID” below for more information.

  • *Locale: Your local website

  • *Desired Publication Date: The Newsletter will be visible in the Manage Newsletter Subscriptions page on the website from that day onwards.

You will get an email information when the newsletter is ready for use in the Newsletter Subscription widget.


2.1. How to get the Emarsys Newsletter ID?

To create a new Specific Newsletter, an Emarsys Newsletter ID, will need to be generated.

In order to request an Emarsys Newsletter ID for a specific newsletter, please write an email to Xiaoqing Cai xiaoqing.cai@meg.mee.com providing the following details:

  • Country (website)

  • Newsletter Name: this will include the topic (e.g. Robot Newsletter | PL)


3. Manage Newsletter Subscriptions Page

With the publication of a new newsletter, this newsletter will automatically appear in your local “Manage Newsletter Subscriptions” page.

Its url: /fa/news/newsletter/subscriptions

The “Manage Newsletter Subscription” page has been implemented into all local websites. After users subscribed to any newsletter, they will be linked to that page when they confirm the subscription using the “double opt-in” link.

If you don’t want to promote any specific newsletters, there is no action required from your side.