The Assets library behaves a bit like a file explorer. You can add folders to organize the assets and there are a few options to add e.g. a description directly to the uploaded asset. We ignore these options to provide information about the uploaded assets.
You can easily upload Assets here, but please note that you cannot include an asset into a web page until the asset age or video (image, video or document) is embedded into an Entry of the Content Types “Image”, “Video” or “Video”“Document”! You will always have to follow the steps described
For Documents in “3. How to upload new documents” in this manual for each asset after the upload.
For Images and Videos in Image and Video Uploads
There are a few reasons to first upload the assets in the Assets library and to create the needed Entries in a second step. One reason may be, if a dedicated Central Content Manager needs to upload several assets (mainly documents) in one go. Also, this allows you to create your own folder structure in the Assets library to organize your uploads.
Where am I?
When you work with Assets, you’re touching two different sections of Contentstack. Please take care that you always are aware in which section you are!