Scroll down to Local confirmations, Open the “Instance(s)”
Type you local text
Choose Confirmation type
Radio button
Choose “Required”, if the local GDPR instance is mandatory to be accepted before the user can submit the form.
If you chose “Radio button” you need to define the text next to the buttons, e.g. “I agree”, “I don’t agree”.
Go to 2: Create a Contact Form - Contact form Settings - Additional Local GDPR.
Create a “New Entry”
Choose an Internal Name which makes it easy for you to identify it, e.g. Third Party XYZ
Add a group entry to “Local confirmations”. Follow the steps listed in 2: above.
Save and Publish
Step 2: Reference “Additional local GDPR” to your respective contact form
Go to your form and here
Scroll down to item 1.1: Additional local GDPR
Choose the existing entry you created in Step 1:
Continue with the maintenance of the rest of the form
Save and Publish
Watch the video to learn more.