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You will use “Video teaser” in a Content block. Here, we We recommend to “Choose an existing entry” whcih which you created before in Content Options / Video Teaser. |
Create a Video Teaser entry
Start by accessing the "Video Teaser" Content Type, available in 1: Create a Web Page - Content Options - Video Teaser.
Create a new entry within the Content Type for each Video Teaser Group (Think in Sections).
Then click on “Add a group entry” to start the first instance to which you add videos or teasers.
Prepare or
modify Video Teaser content
In Contentstack choose Content Options / Video Teaser to start.
name: Always
choose an internal name which allows you to quickly find it when you add it to your content block (see https://freshcells.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MEFAUM/pages/edit-v2/3468263495#Adding-Video-Teasers-to-Content-Blocks below)
Display type: Here you choose between Video teaser (Default) an Video.
Most of the following fields are relevant for Video teaser only as they refer to additional teaser content.Headline Title H3: (required) Provide a catchy headline for your Video Teaser, which displayed in the teaser. It is a SEO relevant headlines.
This required field is relevant for Video teaser only, but for technical reasons you have to fill it for Video, too. For Video it will
not be displayed anywhere
: (optional) Write a brief introduction that entices users to watch the video.
File: Add videos using one of three methods: upload from local assets (preferably in MP4 format), choose from FA YouTube Channels, or use a direct link to an external YouTube channel.
If you choose YouTube videos, please be aware that users would see them only after they accepted functional cookies.
Users can either
do it in the Cookies banner, but also by clicking on the video teaser.
Thumbnail (Use it only if it’s necessary): Add an image that gives a hint that a video is behind.
It will overlay the video and clicking it reveals and plays the video. Please use it cautiously.Display Size: Select from different sizes (1/4, 1/3, 1/2, Full) to determine how the Video Teaser will be displayed.
Combine videos together and create sections in a content block. The more videos you want to show in one section, the smaller the size to choose (1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4). To enlarge videos keep “Open in a Modal” activated.Display Centrally: If selected, Video Teaser or Video will be displayed centrally using a 2/3 size, no matter which Display Size had been selected.
Recommended feature for Video.Autoplay: Decide whether the video should autoplay when users hover over the teaser
Open in a Modal: Activated as Default. The video opens in a modal. You an deactive it, e.g for full-size videos or videos displayed centrally.
Video Date: Optional for Video Teaser, e.g. to provide video creation date.
Video Language: Optional for Video Teaser, e.g. to provide the language of the video.
Video Tags: Optional for Video Teaser. For each tag the "#" is automatically added on the web page. Add more tags via the "+" button.
Add Video Teasers to Content Blocks
Navigate to the Content Block where you want to insert a Video Teaser.
Choose the "Video Teaser" Module and reference the desired entry.