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Document Uploads (central and local)

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Update as of September 2022

In order to avoid multiple upload of assets, i.e. files such as documents or images, we slightly changed the approach and now recommend to start with the upload to the Asset Library and afterwards “Choose existing entry” when you make a local upload to publish it to your local websites.

The video will give you step-by-step instructions.

Document upload in Contentstack ver. 2.0.mp4

Asset Upload

In  order to avoid multiple upload of assets (e.g. documents or images which would be used by all local admins), we recommend to upload the assets first, instead of starting from Local document upload.

Due to the improved search for files offered in the new Contentstack Interface, sorting and managing of assets is simpler than before. 

Publish local documents

With the Asset Upload you will not have published them to your local website, i.e. they will not be visible in the website yet.

  • To publish the asset, please continue with "Uploads > Local documents"

  • Here you will now "Choose existing entry" to select the asset you uploaded to the Asset library before.

  • Here you will also provide all required information about the asset (e.g. copyrights for images) and finally publish it.

Note: The instructions below are still valid, but refer the classic Contentstack UI. They will get updated.

How to upload new documents

You can upload documents of any type to the website. Those documents are searchable. For better search results, take care to choose the correct categories.

Even if you choose no category at all, your documents can be found in the Search. However, correct categories push your documents in the search results.

Also, in the Advanced Search, your document will only appear in the filtered result list if you have chosen the correct categories!

To upload a document, select the Content Type “Documents” and create a new Entry.

1st Step: Provide important information

  • The document title will be visible in the search results

  • A short description helps users to understand what your document is about

2nd Step: Choose the correct categories

Since you will provide a huge number of documents in the website, categories are important to make it easier for the users to find what they are searching for.

  • The “Content Category” (formerly known as “Document Type”, like e.g. “Manual”, “Leaflet”, “CAD File” etc.) in the “Document Categorization” block is required. Choose the best fitting entry from the list.
    (info) If you miss a category in here, please contact the central website managers. They can give you advice and probably add a category.

  • Choosing categories in the “Cross-Content Categorization” is optional, but strongly recommended.
    But please consider: focus on the main topics and only choose “Related Products and Product Categories”, “Industries” and “Additional Document Categories”, if they are relevant in the document.

💡 If you are not sure about a category, think about the search results. Does it really make sense to find the document if the user filters the category in question?

3rd Step: Upload the document and provide information about the file


  • The document language

  • Upload the file (e.g. a PDF)

  • Add the document revision and the year of revision

“Document language” is a required field for Local document upload. If you do not select a document language (or check the multilingual box), the document would not be published!

4th Step: Set the permissions

You can limit the download of your document to specific users, e.g. for MyMitsubishi users. Select the option that fits to your needs.

  • First decide about these options:

    • All website users

    • Only MyMitsubishi authenticated users (i.e. all who are logged in to MyMitsubishi)

    • Authenticated MyMitsubishi users with (specific) roles → if you select this option, continue with the next step.

  • Specify the roles who should have permissions to download the document

(warning) If you select “MyMitsubishi users (all)”, this will always include “MyMitsubishi users with specific roles”.

5th Step: Boost or not?

If “Boost in search results” is checked, the document will be pushed to the top in the search results.

The boost should be used for, e.g. promotional purposes, and should be set for a pre-defined period of time only. It can be unchecked at any time.

Do not use “Boost in search results” too often! If everything is boosted, there will be no added value!

Observe your “Boost” carefully in order not to forget to uncheck the box, if no longer needed!

The boost does not override all other aspects of relevance, but prioritizes the document in comparison to other documents with the same relevance for a specific search.

The relevance for each single item in the website and each document will be calculated with an algorithm and considers all settings of a specific search. The relevance algorithm calculates a kind of index and sorts the result list by this index value descending. “Boost” adds a factor to the index value and so, pushes the document us in the search results.

How to update a document?

If you have a newer version of a document, just open the Entry you created and change the file as well as the version information as described n the 3rd step in the section above.

If there is a version in another language of the same document, click the plus (“+”) icon at the right of the “Version” block (compare the 3rd step) and provide the new file and the requested information. In the search results the user will have the option to select from a list the language version of the document.

Understanding the Contentstack Asset Library

If you upload an image, a video or any document to Contentstack, this upload will be stored in the Assets library in Contentstack.

The Assets library behaves a bit like a file explorer. You can add folders to organize the assets.

You can easily upload Assets here, but please note that you cannot include an asset into a web page until the asset (image, video or document) is embedded into an Entry of the Content Types “Image”, “Video” or “Document”! You will always have to follow the steps described

  • For Documents in “3. How to upload new documents” in this manual for each asset after the upload.

  • For Images and Videos in Image and Video Uploads

There are a few reasons to first upload the assets in the Assets library and to create the needed Entries in a second step. One reason may be, if a dedicated Central Content Manager needs to upload several assets (mainly documents) in one go. Also, this allows you to create your own folder structure in the Assets library to organize your uploads.

Where am I?

When you work with Assets, you’re touching two different sections of Contentstack. Please take care that you always are aware in which section you are!

Content Types

Check the menu with the red background. The active section is highlighted. Below the breadcrumb starts with “Content Types”.


The breadcrumb start with “Assets”.

In the detail view of an asset, the form always looks the same.

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