Local Content in HOME

User Manual For Website Editors and Administrators

Local Content in HOME

Homepage Slider → Spotlight slider in the new design

Even if HOME is not accessible for editing for local editors, the Homepage Slider can be maintained.

Due to corporate guidelines, there must be a homepage slider at the top of the HOME page!

To ensure that all portals follow this guideline, the Homepage Slider administration is separated into two parts:

  1. The mandatory Master Slide → here you can change the first slide of the Homepage Slider

  2. Up to four additional Slides → here you can edit, add or delete additional slides

  1. In Contentstack, click “Homepage” in “1: Create a Web page” and then “Homepage Slider”.

    Take care to have the correct local website selected.

  2. Now you can edit any slide and add or delete additional slides (images).

The administration of the Master Slide follows the same principle as all slides. However, if you do not add any entry (image) here, you cannot publish the Homepage Slider. Thats why it is marked “(reuqired)” here.


3. For each slide

  1. Add an image → Take care to choose the right image ratio. Check https://freshcells.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MEFAUM/pages/2519499072/Image+Sizes+and+Styling+in+Contentstack#Image-Sizes-and-Ratios for the right size and ratio. → Currently you can upload images (JPG or PNG) only. We plan an update to allow GIFs and videos in future.

    1. Optionally, add a teaser text which will be displayed as an overlay of the image. You can also change the teaser text alignment from left to right. → The teaser text would be used only if the “image” itself does not include any text yet.

    2. Add a link to the slide. Here you can choose any internal Web Page, including your local landing pages.


  2. Repeat step 3 for each slide.
    You must include at least one image in the Master Slide and can include a maximum of 5 images.

SEO Meta Information

You should also take care for optimal SEO meta information. To do so, go to “1: Create a Web page” and choose HOME. Scroll to “SEO Settings” and provide a sufficient Meta Title and Description in your local language.