User Manual For Website Editors and Administrators

Video teaser creation

The Video Teaser feature allows you to create captivating sneak peeks of videos that intrigue your users. By creating separate Video Teaser Groups, you can easily reuse these teasers across various sections of your website. This guide will show you how to create, customize, and implement Video Teasers within Content Blocks.

1. Creating a Video Teaser Entry

  • Start by accessing the "Video Teaser" ContentType, available in 1: Create a Web Page - Content Options.

  • Create a new entry within the ContentType for each VideoTeaser Group (Think in Sections)

2. Modifying Video Teaser Content

If you choose YouTube videos, please be aware that users would see them only after they accepted functional cookies.

Users can either to it in the Cookies banner, but also by clicking on the video teaser.

  • Sizing:
    Select from different sizes (1/4, 1/3, 1/2, Full) to determine how the Video Teaser will be displayed.

  • Thumbnail (Use it only if it’s necessary):
    Add an image that gives a hint that a video is behind. It will overlay the video and clicking it reveals and plays the video. Please use it cautiously.

  • Autoplay:
    Decide whether the video should autoplay when users hover over the teaser.

3. Adding Video Teasers to Content Blocks

  • Navigate to the Content Block where you want to insert a Video Teaser.

  • Choose the "Video Teaser" Module and reference the desired entry.

Make sure to publish your Video Teaser entries and Content Blocks to make them live on your website. Please also check if your video asset is also published, if have chosen a video by asset.